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Workshop PIM 2.0 Platform for Inter*national Student Mobility (PIM)

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A workshop on the PIM (Platform for Inter*national Student Mobility) project was held at the Eurus Campus in Berlin from June 5-6. Carsten Wolff and Olesja Nachtigall took part.

The PIM platform is a solution for the digital management of recognition and crediting processes.

PIM began in 2020 as a BMBF-funded project. During the project period, the requirements of eight renowned universities for a digital workflow for the recognition and credit transfer of academic achievements were discussed, prioritized and implemented. PIM has been tested at pilot faculties since the end of 2023. The Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund) is one of the pilot universities testing the PIM platform.

In the workshop were discussed future topics relating to PIM. This was followed by an exchange of experiences on the introduction and test functions of PIM and the development of recommendations for action for other universities. The feedback will be used for future expansion.

Software as a Service: PIM is the first browser-based software for the digital management of recognition and crediting processes with flexible workflows and a modern user interface for an intuitive working environment.

Functions offered by PIM:

  • Recognition/credit of achievements
    • Pre-recognition/learning agreement
    • Recognition after a stay abroad
    • Recognition when changing university and degree program
    • Recognition of credits earned outside the university
  • Recognition and credit transfer database
    • Decisions and reference cases
    • Orientation for students
    • Support for future decisions
  • Interfaces to campus management systems

The project has now been extended in the implementation phase until the end of the year and is already being used by a few universities in productive operation.

Website for more information:

Project type: BMBF, Initiative Nationale Bildungsplattform

Project Name: Platform for International Student Mobility (PIM)

Project Reference number: 16INB2051C